Monday, June 29, 2009

Goodbye Sadness

Aaaaah awal minggu yang menyenangkan. Feels like nothing can disturb me, and I will sing 'swing swing' everytime, lenyap sudah urusanku yang terus terus mengejar tanpa henti kemarin, ujian nasional, danem (geez, I just want to throw something called danem), sekolah dan blablabla. I'm ready for long vacation and my new world, high-school world!!!

Niiih theme song aku di hari Senin ini hehehe... Agak nggak nyambung sih tapi top banget, one of my favorite songs all the time.

Aku udah bikin to-do-list buat liburan nih, isinya ada dua. Yang pertama pasti liburan haha, I don't know about the destination, antara Jakarta dan Jogjakarta siiih, but I don't care, both of them are nice and I just want to have fun. Yang kedua adalah... ini aktivitas yang udah lamaaaaa banget nggak terjamah oleh saya hahaha yaitu bikin minimag alias majalah mini, aku target 2 minggu jadi langsung cetak deh, dan di dalemnya harus ada Jamie Campbell-Bower dan Mr. Pattinson!!!

Dan ini adalah style-nya socialites pas Women of Fashion by Waktu acara ini ternyata Kanye West ngerayain 3 tahun join bareng sebagai editor looooh haha, pantes ni black rapper gaul abis, gayanya nggak pernah out of date.
Cek deh gayanya Charlotte Ronson, what a style!!???

My fashion guru, Alexa Chung 'Turner' hihihi

Fonzworth Bentley and O'Neal McKnight

Charlotte Ronson, swapping out her Chuck Taylors for a pair of heels!Kanye West and Chanel Iman

Julia Dunstall

Garance Doré

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld and Sophia Hesketh

Hot news from New York. On her way into Swarovski Crystallized's new Soho concept store, Blake Lively literally stopped Broadway traffic (including two tour buses—welcome to New York, people!). Ini pas openingnya di NYC...

Chloe Sevigny, Blake, Evan Rachel Wood and Lucy Liu

Mood: Sweet as cupcakes
Current Playlists: New York State of Mind by Joanna Wang, Nothing Can Come Beetween Us by Sade, Fight the Bad Feeling by T-Max

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